Etleva Zeneli

Menaxhere e Projektit

Etleva Zeneli works as Project Manager at Kosovar Gender Studies Center. She has studied law at University of Pristina, Faculty of Law. The earliest professional engagements of Etleva was in the Free Legal Aid, Institute for Legal and Research Studies, Ministry of Justice et cetera. After graduation, she was engaged as a researcher in a project jointly conducted by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the University of Pristina, where she was positioned at the Basic Court in Pristina. During this project she published a research paper on domestic violence in Kosovo, entitled “Socio-Demographic Factors with Domestic Violence in Kosovo” co-authored with Professor Tahiraj. Furthermore, driven by a desire to promote inclusivity and protect the rights of the marginalized groups, she manages a project that promotes diversity at the workplace with a special focus on women and non-majority communities. She aspires to engender a culture of gender inclusivity through the facilitation of research, policy development, advocacy, and lobbying efforts.